


SCIENTIFIC NAME - Stenella diminutive of steno, coeruleoalba from the latin coeruleus "azure" and albus "white"; so "steno azure and white".
FAMILY - Delphinidae
DIMENSIONS - Medium Length 2 mt, maximum 2.6 mt, the maximum weight 150 Kg.
ASPECT - Streamlined Body; melon enough pronounced, rostrum along and thin; triangular medium dorsal fin and little arcuated; small and thin pectoral fins; thin caudal peduncle.
SKIN and COLORATION - Back gray-blue, flanks clear gray and abdomen white, on the back caparison dark gray with strip white until the thorax to shape of flame, dark lines from eye towards the pectoral fins and the genital zone. Many are the possible ones varying that they modify how much said, a lot that as an example in the Mediterranean they make to moreover resemble the Striped dolphin (more small) the bottlenose dolphin thanks to the design to clear flame shape under the ridge in ahead that interrupts the caparison. 
LONGEVITY - Fino a 57 anni.
REPRODUCTION - Reproductive Season in summer-winter, gestation of approximately 12 months. At the birth puppy measure approximately 90 cm and hung 11 Kg.
TEETH - Conical small, until 3 milimeter of diameter, little arcuated.
BREATH - Little visible.  

SOUNDS - Three types of emissions: 

1° click, used emissions of short duration for the biosonar. 

2° it hisses modulated. 

3° sounds to impulses. 

The emissions of the number 2 and 3 constitute the dictionary of the striped dolphin, used in order to communicate and a lot different from one zone to an other.

FEEDING - The diet of the striped dolphin is very varied mostly composed from cefalopods but also from fish and crustaceans (in the Ligurian sea as an example good part of the diet is formed from crawfish) (Vd. Feeding).
HABITAT - Pelagic Cetacean that loves mostly tropical waters, moderated not cold (over the 12°C).
SWIM - It's a very agile cetacean, knows to be very fast. Able of remarkable immersions. 
JUMPS - They Carry out spectacular jumps also high three times the length of their body. 
MIGRATIONS - Some groups complete great movements more than migrations, others are permanent (for ex. in the Mediterranean). 
SOCIALITY - Studies Lack to care but is known that they form groups of adults and others of young people (10-40 individuals), sometimes mixing with groups of common Dolphin. In the Mediterranean the branches are formed approximately from 26 exemplary of average. 
TEMPERAMENT - Intelligent and enough confiding often one lets himself being transported from the bow wave of the boats (and also of the common Finners). 
DANGER and PREDATORY - The great sharks can attack therefore like the killer whale, victim also of pelagic-net and the pollution. Sometimes subject to individual beachings.
SPECIES DIFFUSION - Careful esteem do not exist, however rather numerous. In the Mediterranean present everywhere (estimated 200.000 exemplary) with prevalence in the West.
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