28 pilot
whales stranded

KEY - Florida - Usa) - 28 pilot whale stranded Friday in shallow waters
off the Florida Keys. Volunters and experts immediately tried to help them
making sure they were able to breathe. Eight died, five were euthanized
and six were later seen swimming in deeper waters; the others were moved to a nearby lagoon to let them swim in deeper waters. They were
being fed with a mixture of water and Pedialyte and squid. The died one's
showed dehydration and viral infections their stomach were empty, this
shows they have been for a while far from their natural habitat (in deep
waters). Yesterday only seven were still alive but they were improving;
the Florida Keys Mammal Marine Rescue Team is doing his best for them.
Today another one was foud floating in the canal. Let's hope that the
other one's will survive.
440 minke
whales killed
Japan) - After five months of hunts in Antartic waters the whaling fleet,
that left the southern port of Shimoseki the last 8 november, har entered
their home ports in southern Japan carrying 440 minke whales. Japan can
hunt whales with a restricted hauls for scientific research (the hunt help
it gauge the impact of whale herds on fisheries stocks and provides data
on the mammal migration). Enviromentalist says that the scientific reasons
are a covering because the whale meat, that is considered a delicacy in
Japan, ends on the restaurants tables.