Willy" last hopes for this year

(HEIMAEY - Iceland) -
In a few weeks is going to finish the period in which the killer whales
will begin the migration. Are going to vanish therefore, at least for this year, the hopes that
Keiko, the killer whale protagonist of the film "Free Willy", can recommence
to live in freedom with other whales (probably only being accepted from its
similar could survive to the life in the open ocean). In
truth some experts even doubt that Keiko will never succeed to return
to the wild life, beeing by now completely accustomed to the life
in captivity and the to the uman contact because of the long
captivity (20 years). The plan for the liberation of Keiko already
has cost from 1990 approximately $ 20.000.000 (for the most
disbursed from private and associations) and to many people it seems a waste,
because everything has been spend for a
single animal could perhaps save many others. The most numerous
attempts with which it has been attempted to put Keiko in contact with other
wild killer whales,
have given good result, since the animals have played, but inexorably when the boats of the biologist re-entered to the
Keiko base it followed them towards that it considers own house evidently.
Whales on
a beach food source

(LAGOS - Nigeria) -
A blue whale has become one
unexpected food source for the population of the suburbs of the
greatest city of Nigeria (13 million inhabitants). Reporters that came in the
beach has been introduced to a particular show; the
whale dead was carefullied lay down on the shoreline and tens of
persons with sticks and other tools were extracting pieces of fat meat
of the animal. A ticket market was organized quite to pay for being
able to watch and to take meat. It is believed that the whale is
committee on the beach already died. For how much the death of a cetacean is always pain source, it is necessary to say that in
this case it is served to feeding many persons beeing in a
terrible state of poverty. |
whale on a beach

(JOHANNESBURG - South Africa) -
A 10 meters humpback whale gone on a beach on Sunday probably will be killed today, after the failure of the
attempts of dragging to the wide sea by the volunteers (because
of the big sea). Sandy
Thackeray, the spokesman of the Bayworld oceanarium of the coastal city of Port
Elizabeth, has said that. The whale
of the estimated weight of 22 tons is too much large for being killed
with an injection is believed therefore about killing her with the
explosive. This type of solution is bloody but "its necessary for preserve her
from the suffering" has said the spokesman. |