
will enter in vigor the ratify
(ROME - Italy) -
Published today on the "Gazzetta Ufficiale" of the Italian Republic
the law
(n. 391 of the 11-10-2001) that ratifies the agreement for the
creation of the "Sanctuary for marine mammalian" that had been
underwrite from the Ministers of France, Italy and Principato di
Monaco 25 November 1999. The Sanctuary and its objectives are now a reality.
Pilot Whale on a beach
Devon - England) - A young pilot whale yesterday has gone on one long beach of the South
Devon coasts. Along hardly 2.2 mt.
it has been found from a man walking with his dog. The small ransom
and the fact that was a little underweight indicate a premature separation
from the mother, the weaning normally happen in fact when they catch
up the dimension of 2.5 mt. approximately. The inspectors of the
RSPCA have decided to suppress the animal
for stopping ulterior suffering.
Hust! the
Blue whale speak
BAY - Usa) - Used
from many years for military scopes, particular underwater probes for picking up
faint sounds have been employed from the
investigators of the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration) in order to listen to the noises of the Ocean.
Earthquakes, waves and also animals produce multiple sounds that the
investigators wants to record and to analyze with their most powerful
hydrophones; in particular the cetaceans will be to the center of the
attentions of the experts. They will use this technology above all
in order to study the long migratory routes of the blue whales in
order to try of opposing the feared extinction.
whale dies at the SeaWorld
California - Usa) - Died, as a result of a pulmonary infection that
from many
weeks was giving torment to it, the killer whale of 25 years called Bjossa that lived to
the SeaWorld di San Diego in California; it has said the spokesman of
the park Bob Tucker, whom it has moreover marked like this was the
first death in the marine park since 1990. The killer whale arrived at the park in
April from the Aquarius of Vancouver already suffering before its
arrival, and the antibiotics have not been able enought to save her.
The nine
Pilot Whale gone on a beach are going to die

(PANAMA HAT CITY BEACH - Healthy) - After the
event happened
some days before in an area of 8 miles on the island of Rosa Saint,
seven of the nine Globicefali arrived on the beach are died. Three are died
for disowned causes while the other four have been subjected to euthanasia. The others two have been
subjected to antibiotic cures
near the Gulf World Marine Park but their conditions are still
serious. The experts say still more that after the beach arrive the
possibilities are low to save the cetaceans, in this case, since after
the sad event the Pilot Whale waved on the flanks and from that is deduced a fluid presence. As often it happens in
occasion of collectives beach arrivals, on tuesdays tens of volunteers had
been engaged in order to bathe the skin of the animals to preserve her fresh and humid.