
29/9/2001 |
the catacean sanctuary is going to start the operation "SIRENA 2001"
(Liguria - Italy) -
Since today until to 7 October two ships (named "Alliance" and "Manning ") of the center of searches of the
NATO SACLANTCEN of La Spezia, and one of the Hydrographical institute
of the Italian Navy (the "Magnaghi"), with an important
formation of international investigators, will carry out experiments
and observations in order to study the behavior of the cetaceans that
are subordinates to the sonorous waves provoked from the Sonar. These instruments
used a lot in navigation, in fact, are suspected to cause
disturb to the guideline of the cetaceans; it is believed in fact that
many whales dead on beach, can have been caused by the
interferences that these instruments would provoke in the sonar
natural of the cetaceans. In particular the most suspected are the
most powerful military sonar LFAS (Low Frequency Active Sonar).
Objective of the search is to diminish the impact on the marine ambient of essential instruments like the sonar (risk mitigation

28/9/2001 |
has ratified the agreement for the birth of the cetacean sanctuary
(ROME - Italy) -
The staff greets with joy the news of
ratifies by the Italian State of the agreement for the birth of the
Sanctuary of marine mammalian of the Mediterranean (Principato di Monaco
and France had already ratified it in the 2000). The law of ratifies,
approved by the House of reprensentative today, after to have been
already approved of in Senate to March of this year, will be operating
from the end of October and will provide the prohibition of
competitions for motor boats (our friends - dolphins and whales- will be able
therefore to swim calmer, without to have the fear of the deafening
noise provoked from the useless boats).

21/9/2001 |
could be died

(BOSTON - Massachusetts) -
A spokesman of the New England
Aquarium has declared that the traces of the Right Whale, that from june fight with the dead,
have gotten
lost. Our staff has followed with
attention and trepidation the slow agony of the good giant with
numerous news flash on the attempts of rescue unfortunately failed.
The presumed death of the animal goes to shrink still more the
already meager boreal right whale number (estimated in
approximately 300/350) that are surviving to the extermination caused by men not
so long time ago. The last sights have happened 400 miles to the wide of the coasts of the New Jersey where the sea is deep 15.000 feet.
The spokesman of the Aquarius Tony LaCasse has said that the emitter
that had been applied is dumb from the 16 september and that
therefore the animal could be died and be sunk therefore to prevent
the transmission of the apparatus. The last overflight of Churchill
had evidenced one critical condition; esteem had gotten lost 20 tons
of weight for the impossibility of eating regularly and its
coloration was much clearest of the normal. The dead whale have been caused probably from the infection that was visible on
the jaw, where the cable were run into, and on the airhole. The
six attempts tried from the rescuers are not served to
save the whale that has demonstrated an incredible force and
resistance you have to think that in june it weighed approximately
50 tons and lately had nearly halved the weight. When we give
the news of the dead of a cetacean we are given pain, in this
case still more since the history than Churchill has affected our staff therefore like the entire world.
news 25/07/2001
15/07/2001 28/06/2001

19/9/2001 |
uncovered dowel in the evolution of the cetaceans
Immunological Tests, in the years 50, and more recently examinations of
the DNA, have carried to believe the studious that the cetaceans have evolved approximately 60 million years ago from quadruped
mammals tight relatives of the modern ones ungulates such as hippos pigs and
horses, but by now not so many fossils to demonstrate this parentale were
found; tests that, would have been found in two various
earnests of Pakistan. Hans Thewissen of the Northeastern Ohio
Universities College of Medicines in Rootstown has reconstructed the
skeleton of a quadruped of 50 million years ago whose boneses have
been found in the east north of Pakistan just in the zone of the
Punjab and has seen published just the reserch on the review "Natures".
Philip Gingerich university professor of geology and paleontology at the University of Michigan has in its turn published the own searches
on "Science" declaring to have found two skeletons of different
species from that one found from the colleague and datable around to
47 million years ago recovered in the south the west of Pakistan (just
in the Balochistan). In both cases the skeletons refer to animals
that seem to have legacies in one side with the whales and on the other side
with ungulates. Who says that the modern ungulates
are herbivorous while the cetaceans are carnivorous, Gingerich answers that the modern
ungulates are
mostly herbivorous but sometimes eats themselves also of meat (it says that the
hippos sometimes eat gazelle that are pushed too
much close to the water pools).

6/9/2001 |
the whales"
(VANCOUVER - Canada) - This week
in Vancouver are appeared some manifestos representing a chichen and a horse
that composes the written " Eat the whales "; the provocative
campaign promoted from PETA group (People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals) has the scope of sensitize the public opinion so that it
fights the killing of whichever animal. The spokesman of the campaign (Andrew
Butler), has said itself contrary to the killing of the
whales, has declared to have the intention of induce people to reflect
on the many cruel killings of animals caused from the man.

3/9/2001 |
whale in test-tube

(SAINT DIEGO - California) -
It's born in the marine park of Sea
World of San Diego the first killer whale conceived with the artificial way. The
spokesman of the park Darla Davis has communicated
that the mother, a killer whale of 25 years named Kasatka, after 17 months
of pregnancy has give the birth to a small hung approximately 350 pound
and measure 7 feet. The affection and the premure of the mother have
manifested in helping the baby to make the first breaths and to swim
close to the surface of the swimming pool. The birth of the baby of the killer
conceived after this artificial way, is the
result of the research of 12 years made by Dr.
Todd Robeck of the San Antonio Sea World . |